
How can you help?

"The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second-best time is now.”

― Chinese Proverb

Planting a tree is a basic act that everyone can do as a contribution to a better future. We face a global pandemic, characterized by a respiratory disease, that is only worsened by the polluted air that surrounds us. Growing human populations and inefficient agriculture practices around Doddabalapur have led to an extreme loss of tree cover and deterioration in the soil quality. The soil, having lost its ability to retain water, was unable to sustain Arkavathi. As a result, the river has dried up. The falling water levels and dying soil are taking a devastating toll on our farmers, who suffer failed harvests and crippling debt. But there is a simple solution, a small action with many benefits- planting a tree!

Be a Volunteer

A small monetary contribution towards our drive can not only help resuscitate the Doddabalapur region but also employ farmers who are struggling to make ends meet. You will be able to connect with the relevant farmers and have access to your trees, ensuring transparency toward your contribution. By volunteering, you can help us achieve our primary objectives such as

  • Preparing an Assessment Checklist to identify eligible farmers and sponsors.
  • Providing healthy saplings and plants based on on-site visits and interaction with identified farmers.
  • Providing fruit plants for encouraging farmers to participate in the cause We plan to plant around 12000 saplings in 2021 with an estimated cost of around Rs 5,04,000 per year. Once this kicks off, by 2023 we aim to have at least 1 lakh plants around this region.

Who we are

We are a group of conscious minds who have an immense concern about the environment and nature. You might also be wondering how we are different from other such organizations and drives around India. Firstly, we are independent of Government Schemes. We approach interested farmers but do a detailed and structured verification of the farmer’s lands to ensure the availability of basic facilities for farming. Once the saplings are planted, we conduct growth validation while also incentivizing the successful farmers. Our primary objective will be to enforce natural farming techniques with biodiversity focused on native species of trees. As of now, we have an estimate of 12000 plants such as Sandalwood, Hebbevu, Mahogany, teak, and some fruit plants in mind for 2021. With this drive we hope to increase forest cover in the Doddabalapur region, resulting in cleaner air, fertile soil, and a visible improvement in the groundwater levels while also employing around 50 farmers in the region.

Event Details



02-Jun-2021 to 05-Jun-2021


8:30 hour

9:00 AM

5:30 PM



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