Climate crisis is as real as you and I. Taking action is no longer an option but a necessity. As part of the climate action plan, we all can contribute in our own ways. Here are a few small steps you can take and adopt that will make a significant difference in fighting climate change. 

They are in no particular order and neither is it mandatory to do everything all at once.
Pick and choose and do your best. Start small and start slow but START.

  1. Plant more indigenous trees.
  2. Eat less meat.
  3. Repair your electronic items instead of buying a new one.
  4. Control the amount of waste you generate.
  5. Be kind to animals, all animals.
  6. Buy local.
  7. Insist on using the same plate for different courses of food/meal in a restaurant. Each course/food item doesn't need a new plate. You will save a lot of water.
  8. Fight against habitat loss, pollution and deforestation.
  9. Urge your government to make sustainable policies.
  10. Don't discard waste just about anywhere. Use designated dustbins for specific types of garbage. 
  11. Unplug electronic items. Even in sleep mode, they consume electricity.
  12. Don't mix wet waste, dry waste, electronic waste and medical waste. Be mindful that those who segregate your waste are humans too and some of the waste material can be extremely hazardous to them. 
  13. Volunteer to clean water bodies. Volunteer in general.
  14. Talk to your kids and help them understand the importance of the environment.
  15. Talk to your parents and elders about the importance of the environment. Remind them that we didn't inherit the planet from our ancestors, we have borrowed it from our children.
  16. Seek clean energy alternatives.
  17. Switch to recyclable or compostable or 100% biodegradable items. All 3 concepts are not interchangeable and have different meanings
  18. Go zero plastic, especially single use plastic.
  19. Buy sustainable and fair-trade items.
  20. Try switching to a plant-based diet. It is healthy and the diet is absolutely cruelty free.
  21. Try not losing your pen. Every pen you lose is one more item in the garbage that can't be recycled. Treat your pen like a wallet and laptop. Add more value to a pen and be mindful about it.
  22. Avoid and stop using palm oil and any item that uses palm oil. Palm oil production means habitat loss for endangered species like Orangutans.  
  23. Use less paper.
  24. Be mindful of your digital carbon footprint.
  25. Reuse leftover water in a bottle or a glass. Ideally drink all of that water. Filtering water has an environmental cost.
  26. Eat local fruits. Collect the seeds and scatter them around wherever there is barren land. And then let nature take its course. 
  27. Keep AC at 24 degrees. Buy electronics that have certified energy savings standards.
  28. Carry your own cloth bag while shopping.
  29. Don’t pluck flowers. They are food for pollinators.
  30. Plant only indigenous trees. Non-native trees cause more harm than good. 
  31. Buying things that are durable, helping the planet out is the best fashion you can adopt.
  32. Use a menstruation cup or biodegradable sanitary napkin or reusable period panties and pads.
  33. Ask before serving water. Not everybody is thirsty and if someone doesn't drink the water, it is often discarded. 
  34. Be mindful when water is being poured in your glass in a restaurant. If you don't want to drink anymore water, intimate the staff. 
  35. Fix your leaking taps and flush.
  36. Resue the RO water for non-drinking household purposes. Reuse the water used to wash vegetables, rice and legumes to water plants. They are good for plants.
  37. Use soaps and detergent that creates less foam. Less foam formula saves a lot of water.
  38. Make your own multi-purpose cleaning bio enzyme using citrus peel, water and jaggery
  39. Soak legumes overnight or for a few hours to reduce their cooking time which helps in saving energy.
  40. Carpool if you and your friend or neighbours are going in the same direction. We often forget while complaining about traffic that we are the traffic. 

The list is just the tip of an iceberg. And the GoodLiving Trust is committed to each one of them as our climate action. 

By learning each day from farmers how to work with nature, we make sure every single resource of nature is respected. After successfully rejuvenating lakes and undertaking afforestation drives, our monomolecular focus is to implement all these climate actions. 

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