What We Do

Our Story

We are a bunch of conscious minds who have an immense concern about the environment and nature. We are working towards the dream of building fully self-sustainable villages. As everyone is aware that India is dominant with the occupation of farming at village-scale, we have the aim of helping people shift to natural farming practices with the available resources in the community. This would ensure that people of the self-sustainable communities can fight the pressing issues of hunger, poverty, and calamities at an extended level.

We majorly help them in 3 ways. Firstly, we help them make the maximum use of available resources to ease the adherence to natural farming. Secondly, we help them in establishing a farmer and customer relationship where their products are sold at a great deal. This would reduce the intervention of middlemen who eat away their profits. Thirdly, we help them acquire important skills with the help of our volunteers to secure their self-sustainable lifestyle.

Our innovative events related to the planned use of all the available resources have helped us reach a milestone in the journey of building a fully self-sustainable village community.

What is Our Mission
Our Mission

Our motto is to create a fully self-sustainable village by leveraging the adherence to the natural farming process with the available resources. Our idea is different in a way that we focus on not just depletion of available resources but also on its regeneration.

What is Our Vision
Our Vision

We work to have the maximum number of fully self-sustainable village communities. We have a strategic model of building communities which would leverage the proper usage of available resources without posing any threat to nature. This would ensure that nature and human beings are benefited mutually.

What is Our Values
Our Values

Our core values involve preserving the highest standards of integrity in all our actions, imparting the right skill set and education to develop good citizenship in all the communities and ensuring teamwork in all aspects that would create a win-win situation for all.

Our Approach

Stay open-minded

Improve the ability to listen and understand about the major issues.

Protect the Earth

Always focus on regeneration of the nature and environment rather than depletion.

Stay optimistic

Be positive and confident about the goals of transforming and making lives better

Work from love

Let your work be a passion and not a compulsion. Be focused and wear an attitude of a giver.

Lend a hand

The world needs every single individual to give it a better and developed shape. Always step forward at challenging times.

Plant new seeds

Be grateful to nature by planting new seeds and be an active environment protector.

Work together

Teamwork always results in a win-win situation. Help the communities grow and develop substantially.

Be an open book

Let people know your noble motive. Share your thoughts and experiences to help people.

Our Achievements

We have reached a significant level through our journey. Still, there are miles to go before we reach our destination.




Women employed
in communities


Volunteers have
been mobilized

